Hard disks are one of the most important and also one of the most interesting components within the PC. They have a long and interesting history dating back to the early 1950s. Perhaps one reason that I find them so fascinating is how well engineers over the last few decades have done at improving them in every respect: reliability, capacity, speed, power usage, and more.

Dated back to 1956, the first ever HDD, the so - called 305 RAMAC (Random Access Method of Accounting and Control) was manufactured by IBM which radically revolutionized the way of data storage. This system could store only five MB (equivalent to 2.000 pages of text with 2,500 characters per page) and was a monstrosity - weighed 1 ton with fifty disks of 24 – inch diameter. Moreover, in average, RAMAC’s price/MB was US $10,000. It is unbelievable if comparing with today HDDs’ price.

The hard disk shown in the image is an old IBM hard disk dated in 1979. Notice how big it is.